Docker Use Cases

  1. Simplifying Configuration:
  • Simplifying configuration is the primary use case of Docker. it helps to run our applications over multiple IaaS/PaaS even without any extra tweaks. From Amazon to Google, every IaaS/PaaS provider supports Docker now.   
  1. Faster configuration with consistency:
  • With Docker, configurations become simple. You can just put your  configurations into code and deploy it.we save a lot of time from preparing the setup and deployment documentation about the procedures and processes.
  1. Better disaster recovery:
  • Disaster is unpredictable. However, you can back up a Docker image (also called “snapshot”) for the state of the container at that back-up moment, and retrieve it later when serious issues happen. For example, a hardware failure just happened and you need to switch your work to a new hardware. With Docker, you can easily replicate the file to the new hardware.
  1. Server Consolidation:
  • One of the Docker abilities, “The application isolation” permits consolidating multiple servers to save on cost even without the memory footprint of multiple OSes as well as the ability to share unused memory across the instances.
  1. Not only for deployment, use Docker in workflow:
  • Docker supports continuous integration & continuous deployment (CI/CD). This  allows collaboration between team members through sharing of Docker images, and simplifies deployment.
  • There are plenty of CI/CD tools in the market providing solutions to that use Docker container technology and help improve your workflow, too.